BHWLC in Oct 2000

British Hillwalkers Leaders Certificate

 - click for larger version Here are a few of the group

Peter Moss, Gordon Murray, Ray Milton, John (back), Robin (front), Alun Ward, Pete Haslock, Jack Cowen.
Gill Stormont, Rosemarie Howis.


 - click for larger version ..and ready for action

Robin, Gill, Gordon, Peter, Rosemarie, Ray, Alun, Pete, Theresa Milton, Anne Heads, Jack, Brenda Burgess, Ann, Terry.


Crummock Water - click for larger version The area around Hassness can be very beautiful.

Later we headed around the hill on the right of the photo to navigate through swamps to the junction of a wall with a non-existent fence.


Lunch stop - click for larger version Lunch stop

Having found the junction we were allowed to have some lunch.
Click here to see the view from here, plus some map-reading exercises.


 - click for larger version A wilder lunch stop

The previous day we had been allowed lunch only after a long scramble on a compass course up and across this hillside of boulders.


 - click for larger version Mixed emotions

After a frantic putting-on of rain gear during a fierce shower, the rain abruptly stopped and we were treated to a fine rainbow.


Peter performs - click for larger version The last night

Just when we thought we were safe, Gill made us all do a "turn". We might just as well have signed up with HF!


Your clothes flap in the wind; standing up is a serious task. You tilt the map case and some of the rainwater runs off. A voice in your ear says "Get your magnifying glass and your little pointy tool. If you look just here you will see that this contour line has a little curve. I want you to get your group standing on that contour. But first tell them exactly how long will it take to get there and what they will see on the way."
The route up leads over loose sliding scree. While crossing it one of your group collapses on the steepest part with a broken leg. You arrange first aid and shelter and get a party briefed to go and fetch help. Then the voice in your ear says "How many did you have in your party when you started? How many have you got now?"

All of the photos were taken by Bill Cooper.
We all thank him and feel suitably sad that his handsome face is missing from all the pictures,
but you can click here to see him in action.

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